Amegami 雨神 by John R. Canter

Through the rain, a lone figure trekked beneath an unusually wide parasol. Further armored from the downpour by a hooded straw reed rain cloak that covered from head to toe, this wanderer moved wearily to the bathhouse in determined but exhausted steps. Illuminated under the lanterns’ glow, the figure passed the bathhouse’s bridge and threshold to be greeted by its staff.

Pathfinder Stat Block: Air Popper

Tara swung again at the beast, her hammer whiffing through the air.  This time it had managed to dodge her properly, but then, sure enough, it disappeared. Pop! The sound was almost comical, a jolly high-pitched popping sound like one that a small child might make, totally incongruous with the eyeless monstrosity that produced it.  …

Continue reading Pathfinder Stat Block: Air Popper

Marc-Charles-Gabriel Gleyre: Egyptian Temple (1840)

Covenant and Ruin by John R. Canter

“Any luck?” he asked. She hesitated. She was trying not to find what she knew would be there. And as she passed the light over the stone carvings, she saw it: a bare spot where the inscriptions, lost secrets of ancient Menurabi, were now truly lost, and a circular marking carved over it instead. She pulled out a mid-sized book from her traveler’s bag, holding it in both hands, and recited magic words; her eyes glowed, and in her field of vision, the magical forces of the world were laid bare and visible. The arcane mark shone a dark blue and was indeed a glyph of a solar eclipse with a stylized zigzag, either lightning coming down or a toothy maw of darkness swallowing the sun.

Conworld Setting Rating Systems: Realism Rating and Culture Rating by John R. Canter

The Tech Rating system comes from the True20 role-playing game (though it was originally Progress Levels from the d20 Modern system), and the Supernatural Rating system also comes from True20, both of which are reprinted here (with minimal modifications) under the Open Gaming License (included at the end of the article). The subsequent Realism Rating and Culture Rating systems are personal creations of mine; feel free to use them or build on them for your own world creation, but attribution is appreciated.

Because of a Cough by John R. Canter

It had barely been even a day since the volcanic eruption. Most of the streets were still deep with soot. At least, those streets that weren’t completely buried or burned by active lava flows. I had survived, somehow, thanks to this curse. I didn’t dare take shelter with any others, and that turned out to be a good thing. I can usually handle stress, as a medical doctor, but in a life-or-death situation, I can’t always prevent the change that comes with being a werewolf.